I added the possibility of pits or water to the dungeon yesterday:
I also added some debugging tools to reveal the map on command. I noticed a room sometimes isn't connected. I think it has to do with adding rooms manually. I'll sort that out as soon as possible.
I also have been working on item generation.
Sample output from the equipment generator:
Perlmurite, haldiris, akkadi-iron, bassa-iron, sameun-wood, gyium-leather and rudde-leather are the remnants of my earlier ambition to create fantasy materials.
I'm going to leave it up to the player's imagination what these are, rather than spell it out.
The statistics of these objects are based on real world values like density and hardness. So a copper sword compares somewhat realistically to an iron sword. The fantasy materials mostly take real world stats from high tech modern alloys and composites, so they are much lighter and harder than traditional materials.
I think this list is more interesting than:
Sword +1
Sword +2
and it should be fun trying to work out how well one item compares to another.
An ivory dagger is very sharp and can cut through armor and skin with ease. But it's also very fragile and may break on a critical. A copper dagger doesn't hold an edge well, so it won't do much damage, but it's only fragile when compared to an iron dagger.
Some of the examples are a bit much, such as the Well-made, ruined, oil stained, broken, bronze chest-key, but I hope to weed those out before the system is finished.
I intend to have some books or notes in game which will give hints about item properties:
I also added some debugging tools to reveal the map on command. I noticed a room sometimes isn't connected. I think it has to do with adding rooms manually. I'll sort that out as soon as possible.
I also have been working on item generation.
Sample output from the equipment generator:
Perlmurite armor
Iron man-trap
Broken, cooked eggs
Brass handbow
Feathered clothes
Hollow, corroded, copper hatchet
Occult, rare, gyium-leather sandals
Rudde-leather cape
Oil stained, white-copper ring
Enchanted, brewed meat
Brewed medicine
Perfect, gyium-leather armor
Awesome, composite, brass handbow
Ivory mace
Magical, akkadi-iron greaves
Fur choker
Old, haldiris greaves
Extended, gyium-leather leggings
Magical, iron hatchet
Magical, perlmurite treasure
Light, bronze, narrow hammer
Animal-hide shield
Occult, gyium-leather belt
Blood stained, grubby, iron throwing-axe
Magical, gold coins
Ruined, spoiled, jellied eggs
Oil stained, lead anklet
Enchanted, haldiris helmet
Brass sword
Cooked elixir
Wool cloak
Splendid, sameun-wood staff
Brass ring of magic resistance
Ceremonial, bent, brass throwing-knife
Oil stained, broken, horse-hair rope
Magical, iron knife
Enchanted, ancient, raw elixir
Plain, oil stained, ruined, brewed elixir
Magical, jellied tonic
Papyrus spell-book
Magical, horse-hair snare-trap
Brewed eggs
Emerald statue
Cooked fruit
Hastily-made, wool boots
Enchanted, gyium-leather buckler
Iron breastplate
Ugly, awesome, bone spear
Magical, copper throwing-axe
Ruined, copper javelin
Ugly, awesome, akkadi-iron spear
Copper throwing-knife
Well-made, ruined, oil stained, broken, bronze chest-key
Perlmurite treasure
Silver tableware
Saltum-glass beads
Ivory dagger
Cloth robe
Bassa-iron helmet
White-copper necklace
Perlmurite, haldiris, akkadi-iron, bassa-iron, sameun-wood, gyium-leather and rudde-leather are the remnants of my earlier ambition to create fantasy materials.
I'm going to leave it up to the player's imagination what these are, rather than spell it out.
The statistics of these objects are based on real world values like density and hardness. So a copper sword compares somewhat realistically to an iron sword. The fantasy materials mostly take real world stats from high tech modern alloys and composites, so they are much lighter and harder than traditional materials.
I think this list is more interesting than:
Sword +1
Sword +2
and it should be fun trying to work out how well one item compares to another.
An ivory dagger is very sharp and can cut through armor and skin with ease. But it's also very fragile and may break on a critical. A copper dagger doesn't hold an edge well, so it won't do much damage, but it's only fragile when compared to an iron dagger.
Some of the examples are a bit much, such as the Well-made, ruined, oil stained, broken, bronze chest-key, but I hope to weed those out before the system is finished.
I intend to have some books or notes in game which will give hints about item properties:
Whilst Nargalium is the Kinge of metals with unmatch-ed hardneff and the ability to hold a sharpe edge 'gainst any amount of 'buse, Perlmurite is the Q'een.
No other material combineth such refilience with such lite weight. A s'ord madeth Perlmurite would weigh but 'alf the weight and keep its sharpneff b'tter than the fin'st iroen blade.From that you could make some guesses about who should be given a Nargalium breastplate and who should get the Perlmurite long-sword.
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