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Showing posts from 2020

Dynamic terrain in GODOT

Long time no posts. I haven't been keeping up with the projects I started. At first it seems fun and exciting, but I always run in to limitations in the setup, plus the grind of just making stuff without any real challenges... It ends up being something that I don't want to commit to. So right now I'm just messing around with some ideas and see what comes out. No commitment to a bigger project, just some time to try new things. This week I've been working on procedurally generated terrain.  In the past, there were some big limitations on how I approached this, because the game world had to have the whole map, from the micro to the macro. I had to choose a scale somewhere between, which meant I couldn't have really large maps, or really small details. I think I've found a way around that. Below you can see two types of map data coexisting on top of each other. The wireframe is the collision data, used for physics and for clicking on the map, to move characters ar