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Showing posts from November, 2019

Project Lemonade November Update

It's been a while since  posted here. I've moved from Blender Game Engine to GODOT, and I've started a new project. The proposal for Project Lemonade is in an earlier blog post , so I won't go back to talking about that. Here's a quick overview: Solar city (Project Lemonade ) will be a non-violent game designed with the intent of making people think about ways to regenerate their communities in case of coming social breakdown. It is inspired by Solarpunk . I haven't made massive progress yet, because I've had to learn a whole new game engine. However, I have already taken some steps towards a working prototype. I've got a controllable character in the game, plus a working tileset system (GODOT has a great tileset feature), and also some simple AI agents, just wandering around for now. It's not very impressive yet, (all the assets are placeholders, just while working on functionality) but it feels great to have finally moved on from the