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Showing posts from 2019

Project Lemonade December Update

It's the beginning of December, and I don't know how much work I'll get to do on the project this month. So I'm posting an update now, and another one maybe in January. I've been working with GLSL shaders to create the outdoor terrain. There's now a texture splatted ground plane, animated grass, animated trees and animated water. The textures are just placeholders for now, and all the models are temporary. Right at the moment, I'm just working on how the elements are going to be coded in the game, so later some better quality assets can just be dropped in to replace those being used for testing. Some of the shader code I used was inspired by examples found here .

Project Lemonade November Update

It's been a while since  posted here. I've moved from Blender Game Engine to GODOT, and I've started a new project. The proposal for Project Lemonade is in an earlier blog post , so I won't go back to talking about that. Here's a quick overview: Solar city (Project Lemonade ) will be a non-violent game designed with the intent of making people think about ways to regenerate their communities in case of coming social breakdown. It is inspired by Solarpunk . I haven't made massive progress yet, because I've had to learn a whole new game engine. However, I have already taken some steps towards a working prototype. I've got a controllable character in the game, plus a working tileset system (GODOT has a great tileset feature), and also some simple AI agents, just wandering around for now. It's not very impressive yet, (all the assets are placeholders, just while working on functionality) but it feels great to have finally moved on from the

Procedural puzzles

For a non-combat game, puzzles play an important role. They are part of the resistance/reward cycle that keeps the game interesting. If you only receive rewards all the time, then there's no reason to receive rewards. They are virtual items after all. They are only useful in helping you to progress through the game. There needs to be some kind of resistance to your progress, or progress loses all meaning. In a roguelike, we want the resistance to be procedurally generated. This usually means random monsters, traps and encounters. Locked doors and so on. Most roguelikes avoid procedurally generated puzzles, because they are harder to make than simple combat encounters. Games that use puzzles often spend a lot of time to make the puzzles difficult and unique. But once you've mastered the puzzle, there's no fun to had in replaying it. How can we make replayable puzzles for a non-combat roguelike? Some time ago, I had a go at brainstorming some procedurally generate

A new project proposal: Solar City

Proposal. Solar city will be a non-violent game designed with the intent of making people think about ways to regenerate their communities in case of coming social breakdown. It is inspired by Solarpunk . Using traditional roguelike ideas, the game can be very replayable, each session having a different feel because of randomized global settings, such as population density, average citizen education level, rural/urban mix and special events such as pandemics or social breakdown. Procedural generation can be used, so that each city is different. Instead of combat, players can explore, craft, collect resources and try to convert the city's citizens into active participants in regenerating their community. Citizen management. Here is an overview of how citizens would be handled: Each world map would be populated by up to a hundred randomly generated citizens. Initially, all citizens except the player would start out in a passive mode, collecting their basic rations